Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Impact of consequences of globalization on consumers Research Paper

Impact of consequences of globalization on consumers - Research Paper Example Currently, increased migration of people has turned the world into a global village. In addition, transfer of information in an economic and timely manner through communication technologies has promoted cross-border interactions (Hassan & Michael, 2014). In an effort to describe the current rate of globalization, scholars agree that today, human interactions across borders are not only faster and cheaper, but also farther and deeper. As insinuated earlier, globalization impacts all the social, economic and political aspects of life. Within an economical context, international trade and investments have promoted effective transfer of goods and services across national and regional borders. Politically, governments have legislated policies that facilitate cheaper, faster and deeper movement of goods and services across borders. The social aspect of global acculturation has leveled social barriers of language and transformed the world into an interacting community (Pauline & Parsons, 2009). Globalization of commerce today entails changes in the marketing and production aspects of business. In production, companies are no longer restricted by national barriers in sourcing means of production, specifically raw materials and labor services. On the other hand, the increased decline in social, political and economic barriers has eased the selling of products and services to consumers around the globe. Technically, globa lization of marketing and production aspects of business has yielded consequences that substantially impact business stakeholders, especially consumers (Pauline & Parsons, 2009). In the context of marketing, globalization has effects on the manner in which consumers behave. Primarily, consumers refer to persons or organizations involved in the purchase of goods and services offered in the global markets. Personal consumers are known

Monday, February 10, 2020

Psychology- theorist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Psychology- theorist - Essay Example Through the above theories, human behavior will be properly analyzed and illustrated using one character trait that I posses. Human behavior is explained to be the characteristic conscious or subconscious activities that people adopt (Watkins, 1998). For example, I am characteristically judgmental when people do me wrong. I tend to assume that people are totally responsible for their actions and mistakes. This has been a tough issue between me and my acquaintances because I always assume the role of the judge when problems arise even in cases of accidents. The curiosity to understand why I am judgmental prompted me to try and understand the theories that might provide possible solutions to my investigation. The theories include the Freud, Jung, Adler, Erikson, Allport, Cattell & Eysenk, Skinner, Bandura and Mischel, Kelly, Rogers and Maslow, and May  theories (Willingham, 2006). The theories utilize human behavior to analyze the possible and common precursors to the phenomenon. The following paper is an essay describing the various theories, their assumptions and considerations which will try and explain the reasons why human beings adopt certain behaviors while still trying to unravel the reason why I am judgmental. Throughout the past centuries, humans have been credited with different life tendencies and habits which are often considered natural. As described by Watkins (1998, p 92), ‘a person is easily identified by his behavioral trends and habits which are unique’. The reasons why people are different has been investigated and explained in depth in a number of theories. To tackle the issue adequately, certain explanations and theories will be utilized. For starters, the Freud theory that explores the three human factors that surround the human personality. In his theory, Freud had utilized three levels of awareness, namely the conscious, subconscious and the precautious (Claire, 2007). He explains that the conscious includes only our current