Sunday, December 29, 2019

The American Dream Could Become Possible - 1773 Words

The American Dream Could Become Possible Is the American Dream ever going to be achievable? Many studies from different viewpoints have been trying to get an answer to this question. It is looking like some generations are more likely to have the determination to achieve this status, and others do not even think it is close to possible. There are many different factors that influence the likelihood of an individual coming close to achieving the American Dream. Many individuals that have the possibility of achieving the American Dream were born into a higher class in society. It is highly unlikely to be born into a lower class in society and move to a higher class; however, it has been noted that the younger generations seem very determined to make that statement false by proving otherwise. The social class that an individual is raised in is one of many factors that determine where that individual will end up in society. An excerpt from They Say/I Say suggests that gender can affect h ow individuals are viewed and treated in society. Monica Potts provides a fantastic viewpoint from poor white women. Potts’ excerpt, What’s Killing Poor White Women gives light to a not so widely discussed or recognized topic. Potts writes about the unending cycle of the need of welfare amongst generations. This is due to generation after generation being born into the same social class and situation. It is very difficult to escape this lifestyle. Potts writes, â€Å"If you are a woman, and you areShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream And Its Effects On Society1356 Words   |  6 Pages the American dream is immeasurably becoming a whistle to a dream. Individuals that are working class in America are experiencing hardship in the face of a declining economy. An economy which disallows parents the security to maintain a job in order to sustain a progressive household. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

University of Illinois at Urbanaâ€Champaign - 600 Words

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign In 1862 the Morrill Act was passed granting each state money and land for a university to be built. In 1867 Urbana was selected for the site of this new university. UIUC was opened on March 2nd, 1868 with the president of John Milton Gregory. There was only 2 faculty members and 77 students! (Maynard 6) The main subject for the university to teach was debated many years because of the Morrill Act quoting which to establish a major public state university, one which could teach agriculture, mechanic arts, and military training, without excluding other scientific and classical studies. (Morrill Act of 1862) UIUC has approximately 44,520 students attending as of 2014. Around 56% of these†¦show more content†¦High School credits are as follows. Required: 4 English 2 Foreign Language 2 Lab 3 Math 2 Science 2 Social Studies 2 Academic electives 15 Total Recomended: 4 English 4 Foreign Language 4 Lab 4 Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies 4 Academic electives 24 Total It is recommended that you apply by November 1st but you must apply by January 2nd. Sadly there is a $50 fee for submitting an application but this fee can be waived. If you are wanting to join any art program than you are required to give a portfolio and if you are planning to joining any music, dance, or theatre program then you must audition. If you are from Illinois the average tuition is $15,600 - $20,600, books/supplies are around $1,2000, Room and board with 10 meals a week $10,800, miscellaneous $2,500 with a total of $30,100 - $35,100. With other states the average tuition is $30,200 - $35,200, the rest is the same with a total of $44,800 - $49,800. International average tuition is $31,000 - $38,100 with a total of $45,600 - $52,600. Approximately 71% of first-year students, 61% of full-time undergraduates, and 39% of part-time undergraduates applied for financial aid. The percentage of students who have financial need and received any financial aid was 95% for first-year students, 96% for full-time undergraduates, and 84% for part-time undergraduates. On average they received $14,600 for first-year students, $13,500 for full-time undergraduates, and $8,200 forShow MoreRelatedThe University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign1451 Words   |  6 PagesPALA JHANSI FM504 FINAL REPORT (GRADUATE) University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Task 1: About Institution The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is one of the first 37 public land-grant institutions made after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act in 1862. It is the lead campus of the University of Illinois system. In the University of Illinois system this is the lead campus. 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This add-on program allows me to gain deep understanding of the primary aim of my research while the MS program in Mechanical Engineering enables my specialization in Fluid and Thermal Sciences to become the means of achieving my primary objective. The q uality of research carried out by the professors at the university is awe-inspiring. I wasRead MoreStatement of Purpose: Electical and Computer Engineering1439 Words   |  6 PagesI am applying to the Master’s program at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Electrical and Computer Engineering with specialization in Control Systems. Alongside the coursework, I look forward to doing worthwhile research in â€Å"Control Systems† to lay the foundations for my doctoral study in the field. My interest in this direction happened to shape from the turn of events that marked my life from childhood. Hailing from an obscure village in the suburbs of a metropolis like Kolkata - the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effectiveness of Reward System on Motivational Level of Employees

Question: Discuss about the Effectiveness of Reward System on Motivational Level of Employees. Answer: Introduction As human resources is considered to be the key factor in any business, the employees are now the in the focus of the management procedure. With the continuous changes occurring in the world in recent times, especially regarding the innovations in technology, there is an urgent need for the organizations to re-evaluate the approach of communicating with the employees. This would work as a boost to their morale and might also act as the driving force towards the integrated workforce (Wang, Noe Wang, 2014). This study will focus on examining the usefulness of the incentive system on the motivational level of the workforce in terms of the experience of the research working in the Hudson Bay Company as a customer service executive in Canada. The researcher would work under Mr. Smith, who is the customer service office of that outlet. This internship will examine the effectiveness of the reward system of the particular organization in terms of the employee motivation. It will also try to find out whether the reward system successfully reflects the personal values of the employees and the culture if the organization and the degree of flexibility of the reward system in the organization. This study will also examine whether the existing reward system of the organization contributes sufficiently in increasing the performance level of the organization. Moreover, the study will also evaluate whether there is an effective relationship between the kind of incentives that are offered to the employees and the degree of the motivation in the employees. The study will also assess whether there is any considerable difference between the performance level of the non motivated and the motivated employees and how the existing reward and recognition system in the organization assist the process of the retention of the valued employees. Employee motivation is one of the significant aspects in the development of the organization, therefore the employer needs to find the exact way to motivate its employees and enhance their job satisfaction. A well designed and purposeful reward system can act the key method to increase the motivational level of the employees (Aguinis, Joo Gottfredson, 2013). This study will identify the significant relationship between the existing reward system and the employee motivation in the iconic departmental store Hudson Bay Company in their retail outlet in Toronto. The working hours of the researcher will be four hours a day, five days a week. The duration of this particular internship will be two months. This study will be limited to identification of the specific causes of the low performance and the de-motivation in the employees and the effectiveness of the existing reward procedure in Hudson Bay Company. While identifying the particular causes of the de-motivation, ineffectiveness of the existing reward system and low performance rate in the employees in the organization, the research will conduct a qualitative study with a minimum of fifty employees in the organization. This study is expected to start within a month. Assumptions and Constraints While conducting the study, there can be a number of constraints that may come in the way of the researcher. Since the researcher will be conducting a qualitative research, the method can be questioned, as most of the qualitative researchers are criticized due to their overuse of the interviews. Throughout the internship, the researcher will need the internal support of the organization, such as the computer support, cooperation from the management and most importantly the immense cooperation from the employees. Due to this reason the researcher will need to gain their trust at the very first place. Conducting a qualitative study will require the researcher to prepare a questionnaire first, so that the major issues can be identified in details. In addition to that, it will be easy for the researcher to study the effectiveness of the existing reward and recognition system of the organization. The interview will also not be restricted to few particular questions, as while the interview the researcher may ask several other related questions to the employees. In this research, the research will also have the opportunity to change the existing framework of the research, if there is any added information while conducting the interviews. Therefore, the study will be a flexible one and it will not have any rigid framework. As the data will be collected from the individuals who are involved in the organization, therefore there will be no need to generalize the data. Due to these support and availability of all the stakeholders of the organization at one place, the research will be conducted flexibly. However, there can be a number of constraints that can come in the way. The research will need to have a various resources while completing the study. This research entirely depends on the nature of the stakeholders and how they will be able to cooperate with the researcher. For this study, the researcher will have to meet the customer care officer Mr. Smith once in a week, so that the researcher can discuss the findings with him. Therefore the researcher will have to check whether he is available for the discussion or not. Mr. Smith is also expected to help the researcher in interacting with the employees. However, interacting with the employees can be a little complicated, as all of them may not be interested in participating in the interview and the research. Therefore, the researcher may not have the full access to the competitive information. However, if the response rate of the employees to the questionnaires is negative, the researcher will not be able to evaluate the outcomes. In this study, the researcher will have to access not only the customer service executive in Hudson Bay Company, but also the senior managers need to be interviewed. Therefore, their accessibility can hamper the research work. Another issue that can have an impact on the research work is the sensitivity of the data. There may be number of employees who would not want to reveal their feelings regarding the existing reward and recognition system, therefore this can act as a limitation to the research work. Also, the time span of the internship is Deliverable Schedule The deliverables of the research work will be provided into three parts. Within the internship month, the researcher will divide the particular work schedule in three sections; each section will take ten days to complete approximately. In the first section, the researcher will find out the nature and characteristics of the existing reward and recognition system and how that is involved in the system. With the help of the past records, the researcher will also try to find whether the reward system in the organization is fair and how that reflects the personal value of the employees and the culture of the organization. In the next section, the researcher will conduct interview with the employees with a written questionnaire. However, the researcher will need to take care of the fact that some of the information may not be the right one, as many of the employees may not want to reveal their feelings about the company reward and recognition system. Therefore, the researcher will choose the employees carefully who will not be reluctant to reveal their outlook regarding the decisions of the management. Therefore the researcher will deliver this report to the supervisor. In the third section, the researcher will conduct the interview with the senior managers of the Hudson Bay Company Toronto outlet and deliver the final report to the project supervisor. The acceptance criteria of the project may be different as the internship mentor and the university faculty supervisor may ask for the report in different ways. The internship mentor may require the digital copy of the report and the written one at the same time. The researcher will prepare the report in accordance with all the requirements of the supervisors. The first section of the report will be provided digitally as it will be the first draft of the report. The second section will be provided as a written report as it will contain all the questionnaires filled up by the employees. The final draft of the report will be provided both digitally and written and it will include a presentation with the final outcomes of the internship. This report may include number of special requirements within the two months of internship. As Hudson Bay Company is a multinational company, it will have international employees who may come as expatiates in Canada (Hudson's Bay Company, 2017). Mostly, the senior managers may be such expatriate candidates. While conducting interview with them, language may be a barrier, therefore the researcher will have to ensure that there is a common language that can be utilized while dealing with such employees. While conducting the interview the researcher may have to travel frequently if it is required to contact other senior managers in different other outlets. Therefore, the travel expenses and the time will be roughly outlined before starting the project. Also, before starting the project the researcher will sign the necessary documents as the project will deal with sensitive internal data of the organization. In most of the qualitative study, it has been seen in the past the presence and the personality of the researcher affect the responses of the subjects, therefore the researcher will ensure that he or she builds a trustworthy relationship with the employees and the management, so that they can provide the right information (Mowday, Porter Steers, 2013). The researcher will also ensure that the confidentiality of the information is there, as there may be some problems arise due to the given information. This research will be conducted as a qualitative study; therefore there may be some necessary changes while the project is going on. Therefore, there may be some kind of changes that will be required to amend in the framework of the research. Therefore the researcher will have to create a flexible framework so that further changes can be incorporated. Conclusion This statement of project work framework has included the necessary stages that are to be followed while conducting the research on the effectiveness of the reward and recognition system of the company on the motivational level of the employees. Following these stages, the researcher will create an outline of the entire project to find out whether the employees are being motivated or de-motivated due to the reward system. There may be issues while dealing with the low performing employees, but the researcher needs to find out whether this is due to the company reward system or the environment of the organization. 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